Most homophobic

    Where is it illegal to be gay? The most homophobic countries in 2024

    The countries you should avoid or approach with caution as an LGBTQ+ traveler

    LGBTQ+ rights have improved at an unprecedented rate in recent decades. Outside of the Western world, however, anti-gay laws are still on many statute books. In some countries, those laws are rarely enforced. In others, anti-gay laws are enforced and can even result in the death penalty.

    This is not an easy topic but it’s unavoidable. These are the countries LGBTQ+ travelers should avoid for their own safety or visit with caution. 

    1. Nigeria

    Legal Landscape:

    Nigeria enforces some of the world's harshest laws against LGBTQ+ individuals, with severe penalties including long prison sentences in the southern states and the death penalty in northern regions governed by Sharia law.

    Travel Advisory:

    Due to the severe legal restrictions and high levels of societal discrimination, Nigeria is strongly advised against for LGBTQ+ travelers.

    2. Iran

    Legal Landscape:

    Iran is one of the few nations where homosexual acts are punishable by death. The legal system is based on Islamic law, which strictly prohibits homosexual relationships. Iran has recently executed gay men for the crime of sodomy among consenting adults.

    Travel Advisory:

    LGBTQ+ travelers should avoid traveling to Iran, as the legal penalties and societal attitudes pose significant risks.

    3. Uganda

    Legal Landscape:

    Uganda has been in the spotlight for its "Anti-Homosexuality Act" which proposes severe penalties for homosexual acts. Despite international backlash, the sentiment within the country remains largely unfavorable to LGBTQ+ rights.

    Travel Advisory:

    Given the harsh legal penalties and widespread homophobia, Uganda is considered one of the least safe countries for LGBTQ+ travelers.

    4. Russia

    Legal Landscape:

    In Russia, the "gay propaganda" law bans the promotion of "non-traditional sexual relationships" to minors. This law has been used to stop gay pride marches and detain LGBTQ+ activists. The law was recently updated to include more severe restrictions after Russia invaded Ukraine. Most gay bars in Russia have been forced to close.

    Travel Advisory:

    Hostility towards the LGBTQ+ community is pervasive, and the legal environment is restrictive. Caution is advised for LGBTQ+ travelers visiting Russia.

    5. Yemen

    Legal Landscape:

    In Yemen, homosexuality is outlawed, with laws derived from Sharia that prescribe the death penalty for men and prison sentences for women engaging in same-sex sexual acts.

    Travel Advisory:

    The high risks associated with these legal penalties, combined with an extremely conservative societal view on LGBTQ+ rights, make Yemen an unsafe destination for LGBTQ+ travelers.

    6. Saudi Arabia

    Legal Landscape:

    In Saudi Arabia, any non-heteronormative behavior is illegal under Sharia law and can result in punishments such as fines, prison time, and the death penalty.

    Travel Advisory:

    The legal system and social norms in Saudi Arabia create an environment that is unsafe for LGBTQ+ travelers. That being said, there are reports of thriving underground gay scenes among local gay men. The authorities appear to turn a blind eye if such gatherings are kept very discrete. It would be ill-advised for an outsider to try to access such scenes, however.

    Under Saudi Arabia’s current modernization program, we have reason to hope that gay travelers will be able to visit in the years to come.

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