UNITED QUEERDOM: Book Reading ANd Q&A with DAN GLASS


    Platform Southwark 1 Joan Street, London, United Kingdom

    United in Queerdom - bookish gays gather round.

    A workshop as part of GLF AT 50; THE ART OF PROTEST Exhibition at Platform Southwark, 17-29 August.

    Throughout the 1970s the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) initiated an anarchic campaign that permanently changed the face of Britain. Inspired by the Stonewall uprisings in the US, the GLF demanded a 'Absolute Freedom For All' worldwide. Yet half a century on, injustice is rife and LGBT+ inequality remains. Complete LGBT+ liberation means housing rights, universal healthcare, economic freedom and so much more. Although many people believe queers are now free and should behave, assimilate and become palatable – Dan Glass shows that the fight is far from over.

    UNITED QUEERDOM evocatively captures over five decades of LGBT+ culture and protest from the GLF to 2021s. Showing how central protest is to queer history and identity this book uncovers the back-breaking hard work as well as the glamorous and raucous stories of those who rebelled against injustice and became founders in the story of queer liberation.

    DAN GLASS will read extracts from his new book, followed by a Q&A on his favorite and most powerful activism experiences.

    DAN is an award-winning activist, performer and writer. He uses music, performance and protest to catalyse love, soul, revolution and justice in communities confronting injustice. He has been named one of Attitude Magazine’s campaigning role models for LGBT youth, GaydarRadio Heroes Awards for Gay Rights activism and a Guardian ‘UK youth climate leader’ for famously supergluing the Prime Minister. Dan was recently awarded the ‘activist of the year’ at the ‘Sexual Freedom Awards 2017’ for contributions to sex-positive, queer, healthcare and human rights movements for social justice.

    GLF AT 50; THE ART OF PROTEST is curated by Dan de la Motte with Associate Curation from Lily Cheetah.

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