Binnenhof Hotel

3-Star Hotel in Maria Theresiastraat65, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium

Rate Binnenhof Hotel

Hotel Description

Binnenhof Hotel The 3x000D star rated Binnenhof Hotel is situated in Leuven. The hotel has both on and off site car parking available. Dining is available at the hotel, which has it's own restaurant. Meeting facilities and wifi are available. Room Features Binnenhof Hotel. All rooms have a hairdryer. We are sorry, but smoking is not permitted in either the bedrooms or the public areas of the hotel. Rooms have wireless internet access available. Additional Info. An airport shuttle service is available from the hotel. The hotel is pet friendly. A concierge service is provided for guests.

Services And Facilities


Car park

24-hour reception


Multilingual staff

Hotel safe

Lift access

Luggage room


Meeting room

Choose your rooms at Binnenhof Hotel

Rooms and Guests
1 Rooms 2 Adults
This hotel is fully booked for these dates. Please change your dates to check availability or search for an alternative hotel in Louvain la Neuve

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