Gaia Royal Hotel

    4-Star Hotel in Mastichari, Greece

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    Hotel Description

    The “Gaia Royal” is a dreamlike hotel, located in Kos island close to the fishing village of Mastichari, only 10 km from the airport and 20 km from the port. The resort is builded in a village style, consisted of a main building and several two-floors bungalows. It covers 70,000 sq m, has magnificent gardens and leisurely sprawls down to a splendid seafront with a magical view   of the Aegean Sea. One finds regular daily public bus service to the city of Kos. The hotel affords private parking and is serviced by reception located at the main building, near the entrance. The friendly and relaxing atmosphere makes the property an ideal choice for everyone!

    Services And Facilities









    Non-smoking area

    Smoking area

    Choose your rooms at Gaia Royal Hotel

    Rooms and Guests
    1 Rooms 2 Adults
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