Mona Plaza Zlatibor

    4-Star Hotel in miladina pecinara, 26, Zlatibor, Russia

    Rate Mona Plaza Zlatibor

    Hotel Description

    Is located in the center of Zlatibor, in the immediate vicinity of all highlights of this tourist center. It lies 235 km southwest from Belgrade, on the main road Belgrade – Podgorica – Jadran. The hotel offers units divided into rooms and suits. The hotel interior itself represents combination of the old and the new age where flat forms and the palette of warm tones prevail. Lada Bar, Restaurants: Perun and Vila, Congress Center, Wellness and various offer of rooms and suits with its design and features give the guests the opportunity to distance themselves from everyday problems and enjoy the vacation.

    Services And Facilities







    Smoking rooms

    Smoke detector


    Extra beds on demand

    Choose your rooms at Mona Plaza Zlatibor

    Rooms and Guests
    1 Rooms 2 Adults
    This hotel is fully booked for these dates. Please change your dates to check availability or search for an alternative hotel in Zlatibor

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