Pousada Pau De Canela

    3-Star Hotel in Rua Pau De Canela, 606 Florianopolis Brasil 88048-330, Brazil

    Why Travel Gay loves this hotel?


    Audience Rating

    Based on 242 votes

    Rate Pousada Pau De Canela
    Good Price.

    Hotel Description

    Pousada Pau de Canela is a 3-star, rustic-style hotel in Florianópolis. It's located near to Campeche beach. Joaquina with its sand dunes is also nearby.

    If you take a short walk to Lamp Hill you'll be greeted with excellent views of the island.

    This hotel is a good, unpretentious option.

    Services And Facilities

    Bicycle Rental

    Internet Access

    Swimming pool

    Choose your rooms at Pousada Pau De Canela

    Rooms and Guests
    1 Rooms 2 Adults
    This hotel is fully booked for these dates. Please change your dates to check availability or search for an alternative hotel in Florianopolis

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