Starhotels Cristallo Palace

    4-Star Hotel in Via Betty Ambiveri, 35, Bergamo, Italy

    Rate Starhotels Cristallo Palace

    Hotel Description

    Located southe of the old town walls, the cathedral and Colleoni church, Vecchia square and the Fineo. Close to the shopping area, well-connected with the public transport. The hotel offers lounges, a bar, restaurant, garden, garage and transfer service. Free WiFi internet *small/medium size pets are welcome. Must be mentioned in the booking request. fees will apply.

    Services And Facilities




    Lift access


    Luggage room

    Clothes dryer

    Non-smoking area

    Air conditioning in Restaurant

    Conference room

    Choose your rooms at Starhotels Cristallo Palace

    Rooms and Guests
    1 Rooms 2 Adults
    This hotel is fully booked for these dates. Please change your dates to check availability or search for an alternative hotel in Bergamo

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