The Priory Hotel

    3-Star Hotel in 614 Pressley St, Pittsburgh, USA

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    Formerly a monastery.

    Hotel Description

    The Priory is a historic hotel in Pittsburgh's North Side. Formerly a Benedictine monastery (fancy!) it's now a European-style, boutique hotel.

    It's full of style and character. You'll be able to tell people you slept in a fancy monastery. A monastery with a bar: the Priory Bar, to be precise. It's just moments away lies the famous Andy Warhol Museum, as well as the PNC Park.

    Services And Facilities


    Fitness Centre


    Choose your rooms at The Priory Hotel

    Rooms and Guests
    1 Rooms 2 Adults
    This hotel is fully booked for these dates. Please change your dates to check availability or search for an alternative hotel in Pittsburgh

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