Bar, Club, Sauna, Shop etc. Listing Request

    Does your business operates within or target the LGBT market? Then request a listing on Travel Gay.

    Use this form to tell us about your
    • bar, cafe or restaurant
    • dance club, regular weekly or monthly dance party
    • sauna, spa, massage therapist or gym
    • shop, service provider or organisation
    Add an offer to your listing (e.g a 10% discount) to get extra promotion. The best offers are featured on our city & country index pages. Regular weekly events get extra promotion. Based on the day, weekly events appear as happening "today" or "tomorrow" on your listing. (we have different forms for special events, hotels & resorts and guesthouses and b&b's ) We offer Standard, Gold and Platinum plans where Gold and Platinum will put your business at the first and best position of the listing page. You can also speak to one of the Travel Gay team on +44 203 933 8000 or +1 310 651 8008. [ap-form id="8"]

    Have we got something wrong?

    Are we missing a new venue or has a business closed? Or has something changed and we have not yet updated our pages? Please use this form to let us know. We really appreciate your feedback.