El Recreo de Adan

    El Recreo de Adan

    El Recreo de Adan

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    Carrera 12 A # 79 – 45, Bogota, Colombia

    El Recreo de Adan

    El Recreo de Adan is a popular gay bar in Bogota. It's so popular that they have two. You'll find one in Zona Rosa and one in Chapinero.

    This is a great place to eat, drink, play board games and listen to music. There's even karaoke. With over 40 different cocktails to choose from it'll be hard to stay sober.

    The music is chiefly English and Spanish pop. El Recreo de Adan, Zona Rosa, opens before 5 pm. The bar in Chapinero opens after 5 pm.

    Mon: Closed

    Tue:16:00 - 01:00

    Wed:16:00 - 01:30

    Thu:16:00 - 01:30

    Fri:16:00 - 02:30

    Sat:16:00 - 02:30

    Sun:16:00 - 01:00

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