Fetish Freak

    Fetish Freak

    Fetish Freak

    Location Icon

    76 Bolton Crescent, London, United Kingdom, SE5 0SE

    Fetish Freak
    Gay fetish shop (and online service) offering a huge range of leather and rubber gear, adult toys, lube, accessories, used boots and second-hand leather.

    Fetish Freak (aka 'FF') is an independently owned business with a reputation for the friendliest service.

    Weekday: 11:00 - 18:30 (closed Tuesdays)

    Weekend: 11:00 - 18:30; 12:00 - 17:00

    Nearest station: Oval

    Rate Fetish Freak
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    Based on 18 votes


    Wed, Apr 10, 2019

    a Very happy bunny!

    Just bought a leather waistcoat and had to check something, so I called the shop, I was very pleased to hear the dulcet tones of Jonathan on the phone dealing with my request. I’m glad to see that he is running this store with the level of professionalism as he did when he was at expectations in old st all those years ago! you don’t often come across this these days! Best of luck for the future jonathan!, I’m a Very happy bunny!

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.