GATE Party

    GATE Party

    Huge gay dance party with international DJ's and dancers.

    GATE Party

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    Via Benadir 14A, Milan, Italy

    GATE Party
    Milan's large monthly gay dance party with international guest DJ's, hot dancers, light shows, full productions.

    GATE Party usually takes place at TRACK Milano. Admission 20-25€ includes one drink.
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    Audience Rating

    Based on 29 votes

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    5 Star Winner


    Fri, Jan 19, 2018

    New Year's Eve Party in Milan

    Ney Year's Eve Party. I had the best time since I can remember. There was a big line in front of the club, but it didn't take that long to get in. The dance floor was totally packed, the atmosphere was amazing, beautiful guys everywhere! Great music and show! And Milan is a great city! No doubt... I'll be back very soon! I wish we had a club like GATE Party in our boring town!

    Sat, Dec 09, 2017

    My favorite party in Italy

    Bello davvero tutto: gente, club, animazione, scenografie, organizzazione, atmosfera. Forse l'unico party dal sapore internazionale che esiste attualmente in Italia. Cliente fisso ad ogni serata. E vale la pena fare una trasferta da Roma per goderselo ogni mese.

    Tue, Oct 24, 2017

    5 stars Party in Milan

    I went to Gate Party on October 14th for the Big Opening and was amazing! 5 stars to the organization, lights, sound, Deejays! Full of hot boys, massive and busy darkroom. Strongly recommended!!

    Mon, Oct 16, 2017

    Long queues, little action

    I've visited Gate Party a few times, it's okay but nothing special. It is expensive, entry is 20 euro (plus 12 euro for anddos card a membership card required for entry). Cola is 8 euro for a small can. All drinks are marked on a card and you pay on exit. On both occasions, staff tried to charge us for drinks we did not have. There are long lines for entry (over an hour waiting to enter) and long lines to exit (yes, over an hour waiting in line to pay the tab to exit). It is far from the centre of Milan and over 30 euro in taxi each way. The venue is small, Gate Party is only held in one area of Track club, one dance floor and one bar. The cruising area there is no real action, guys go there to smoke as there is no security, even girls in the cruise area chatting and smoking. There are much better parties in Europe.

    Thu, Sep 14, 2017

    Bellissimo evento

    Organizzazione perfetta. Davvero un bellissimo evento, di quelli che ormai in Italia non fa più nessuno. Quindi vale davvero la pena andarci e fare un week end a milano, città che amo.

    Fri, May 19, 2017

    Party eccellente

    Ormai uno dei migliori party di Milano e in Italia capace di rinnovarsi ad ogni evento. Tutto ben curato in ogni dettaglio, dal palco all'animazione. Bella gente, buoni i cocktail, ben organizzato il club.

    Sat, Apr 22, 2017

    Best party in Italy

    Always such an amazing party!!! Nice people, catchy music. Absolutely the best party You can wish in Italy!

    Thu, Apr 20, 2017


    Uno dei migliori Party in Italia per cui vale la pena trascorrere un week end a Milano! Tutto ben curato, bella location, pieno di boni, club rinnovato ad ogni evento in base alle tematiche! Vale la pena andarci!!

    Wed, Apr 12, 2017

    Great Party

    I was there on April 1st for We Party and was all perfect: club, music, show, peoples! Will be back for sure!

    Tue, Mar 28, 2017


    I think is one of the best circuit party in Italy. You have to go if you're in Milan!

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.