Calle de Bruselas

    Calle de Bruselas

    Calle de Bruselas

    Location Icon

    Plaza de la Merced 16, Malaga, Spain, 29012

    Calle de Bruselas

    Gay-friendly café bar in the middle of Plaza de la Merced. La Calle de Bruselas serves drinks, cocktails, tapas and meals in a relaxed atmosphere. In the evening, patrons may catch a drag performance or two.

    Nice location for enjoying a drink in the sun. Open daily from 10 AM.

    Mon:10:00 - 02:00

    Tue:10:00 - 02:00

    Wed:10:00 - 02:00

    Thu:10:00 - 02:00

    Fri:10:00 - 02:00

    Sat:10:00 - 02:00

    Sun:10:00 - 02:00

    Rate Calle de Bruselas
    Audience Rating

    Based on 8 votes


    Sat, Nov 23, 2019

    lovely experience

    The three bar tenders actually do the work of a normal 10-people-crew; ánd have the time to laugh and have fun with the customers. The owner should pay them a double wage !!!

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.