Nu Towne Saloon Phoenix

    Nu Towne Saloon

    Nu Towne Saloon

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    5002 E Van Buren St., Phoenix, USA, AZ 85008

    Nu Towne Saloon Phoenix
    This gay dive bar is located in East Phoenix, a while away from the gay district in the Centre.

    Nu Towne Saloon is famed for being a bit rough around the edges; and attracting that type of trade as well.

    Here you'll find bears, leather daddies, and those who admire them, especially on Friday's 'Cruise Night', a Phoenix cultural institution dating back nearly 40 years.

    Drinks are cheap, as is the venue, but if you're looking for an authentic Phoenix experience Nu Towne Saloon is the place to visit.

    Weekday: 12:00 - 02:00

    Weekend: 12:00 - 02:00

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 4 votes


    Sat, Feb 12, 2022


    I came in there for 1 drink and Scott the Canadian was serving. I found him to be contrary, offensive and condescending with the mean attitude of a bully. The other bartenders are wonderful. Scott was hostile, and when I asked him if he had anything against me he said no and agreed that wasn't his normal attitude. Apparently he saved it up special for me.

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.