Nuevo Cero Santiago Chile

    New Zero Discotheque

    New Zero Discotheque

    Location Icon

    Euclides 1204 , Santiago, Chile

    Nuevo Cero Santiago Chile

    Nueva Cero (New Zero) is a gay-popular nightclub & entertainment venue, located a short distance from Santiago Chile's gaybourhood of Bellavista.

    Apart from being a full-on nightclub where you drink, dance and cruise, Nueva Cero holds elaborate drag shows that attract a large crowd of mixed/LGBT locals and tourists.

    Open on Friday and Saturday nights.

    Mon: Closed

    Tue: Closed

    Wed: Closed

    Thu: Closed

    Fri:23:00 - 05:00

    Sat:23:00 - 05:00

    Sun: Closed

    Drag Shows
    Live music
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