

    Gay Massage Bangkok


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    9 Sutthisan Winitchai Rd, Samsen Nai, Phaya Thai, Bangkok 10400, Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand


    OneSpa is a gay male massage spa located in Bangkok, Thailand.

    The spa is open 24 hours, not far from Chatuchak Market (BTS Saphan Kwai) and offers reasonable rates, a perfect way to relax after seeing the market.

    They have over 100 male masseur boys working their throughout the year seasonally.

    Contact for an appointment by phone or LINE for full address details, enquiries and appointments. 

    Mon:Open 24 hours

    Tue:Open 24 hours

    Wed:Open 24 hours

    Thu:Open 24 hours

    Fri:Open 24 hours

    Sat:Open 24 hours

    Sun:Open 24 hours

    Nearest station: BTS Saphan Kwai

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    Based on 12 votes

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    asanee wasant

    Mon, Dec 09, 2024

    one of many-but new

    This shop only opened early this year and hence is still quite new-and that shows. Works on the same principle and with same pool of guys as K-man, PhetBoy, G_beat and some others in this area. Most customers are local Thai and these use LINE app to prebook. It is also possible to walk in unanounced and choose from a small pool of then available masseur-guys. Most are not Thai but come from around-Myanmar, Laos. Whereas it states to be open 24 hr-do not believe that too much and go during normal hours-12 to 12. Reception can speak english but was not overly helpful during my visit. And best to bring exact money for fee-they always seem to have problems with giving change-as other reviews also report And as aside: it is on the corner of Intamara soi 3 and ´ḿain´ road-about 15/20 mins walk from the Sapan kwai BTS station-pass the Big C supercentre, then turn left. Further on in this narrow and utter congested road are also BT spa, KK Spa, Home Spa, M27 and brand new Phoenix IN soi 25. There is also a late eve Disco with guys for hire; Hi-Club. The blog of a shamelessmack has better and more extensive reviews from this year posted

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.