


    Location Icon

    Barcelonaplein, 137, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1019LX

    Today: nude yoga for men - Every Tuesday

    ONEstudio is a yoga and massage studio in Amsterdam on KNSM-island.

    Franscis Trepels weekly classes consist of nude yoga and orgasmic yoga, as well as individual tantra massage sessions and sexological bodywork all of which can be booked and organized in advance.

    The studio is also able to organize day workshops about sexual healing, male-to-male massage, pelvic floor release massage including prostate and Cashmere Tantra massage catered to your personal needs, and, holds winter and summer retreats in Spain, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Bali.

    Appointments are often limited and get busy quickly so it is advised to contact ONEstudio as early as possible to avoid disappointment as Franscis is operating the business as a solo service.



    Mon:10:00 - 22:00

    Tue:10:00 - 22:00

    Wed:10:00 - 22:00

    Thu:10:00 - 22:00

    Fri:10:00 - 22:00

    Sat:11:00 - 23:00

    Sun: Closed

    Nearest station: Tramline 7 or bus 65 or 43

    Free WiFi
    Massage – out call
    Private shower facilities
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    Thu, Nov 14, 2024

    Nice experience

    I have been to the nude yoga several times. I really like the atmosphere. Being nude seems strange at first, it gives more freedom of movement. Also it was real nice to be with men only. Frank knows what he does, energizing and straining exercises. I enjoyed these evenings, the feeling to be free and active in a group. Going home, feeling skin and body respirited; having that great feeling after a good evenings 'work' :). The only minus point is the space: not too big. The advantage of that: not many people, more attention. Good experience. Txs

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.