The Peak

    The Peak

    The Peak

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    The Peak, Central, Hong Kong, China

    The Peak

    The most popular tourist attraction in Hong Kong. The views from the Peak are breathtaking, offering (on a clear day) a stunning panorama of the city.

    There are beautiful walking trails that wind through the lush tropical forest of Victoria Peak Garden. The Peak Tower (an architectural icon in its own right) has a 360° viewing platform and offers a variety of restaurants and shops.

    Get to The Peak on the Peak Tram - originally built in 1888. This 7-minute scenic ride offers a uniquely spectacular perspective of the city.

    Mon:07:30 - 23:00

    Tue:07:30 - 23:00

    Wed:07:30 - 23:00

    Thu:07:30 - 23:00

    Fri:07:30 - 23:00

    Sat:07:30 - 23:00

    Sun:07:30 - 23:00

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