Playas de Corralejo

    Playas de Corralejo

    Gay-popular nudist beach with beautiful soft white sand.

    Playas de Corralejo

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    Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Spain

    Playas de Corralejo

    A vast expanse of beautiful soft white sand that stretches for as far as the eyes can see. This amazing Saharan landscape is filled with sand dunes - the perfect spot for those seeking solace in the sand.

    Nude guys among the dunes are a common sight, and the whole area is known as a place to meet new people from around the world, night and day. Incidentally, the area is a protected wildlife national park, so it’s utterly beautiful.

    Facilities at Corralejo beach include sun beds, sand dunes, coves and bushes!

    Rate Playas de Corralejo
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    Fri, Aug 14, 2020

    FV 104 Km 13

    Just to confirm, the beach area is around Km 13 on the FV 104 road. The beach has some strong waves and is windy, but you can occupy one of the semi-circular stone formations (montículos) for some protection (and privacy).

    Mon, Jan 01, 2018


    We were here in Feb 2017 and are going again next week, the walk from town to the little stone shelters is about 20 minutes, some action but mainly dirty, unattractive pensioners having a stare. KM 22 is an hours walk from town and more choice, more guys. And it's free! So is the sunshine...
    Jordis K.

    Sun, Jan 28, 2024

    Vraag aan Jeff

    Hi Jeff, which hotel/apartment should you get to be close to the action spots (guys 😉). I would also like to spend a holiday there with some fun in that area.


    Sun, Nov 12, 2017

    Beach sex

    Good place to meet guys. Met 2 Italian stallions in the dunes. Gave me a real good seeing to. Love the place.

    Fri, Jul 01, 2016

    Km 22 the best beach !!!

    Bellissima la spiaggia km 22. Tra le dune e i coralito succede di tutto !!! Eviterei la sauna, spesso deserta e cara!!! Luca

    Wed, Aug 09, 2017

    km 22 is now km 13

    They changed the street and the km. Its now FV 104 and km 13. The Sauna km22 is closed!

    Sun, Jun 01, 2014

    hot hot hot majoreros

    Questo posto è un sogno! Al KM22 ( da cui il nome della neo sauna gay di fuerteventura) spiagge sconfinate dove sembra ci sia poca gente e invece tutta la movida si consuma negli innumerevoli corallitos. Il popolo nudista internazionale che si mescola con la fauna selvaggia dell'isola, i majoreri.. un incrocio di razze nordafricane e andaluse. E la sera con buone probabilita' te li ritrovi tutti in sauna, l'unica di fuerte e lanzarote. La sauna KM22 da fare invidia persino alla royal hammam di milano! consiglio vivamente

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