Rio Bar
Rio Bar
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
Poděbradova 23, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Rio Bar is a stylish venue that attracts a diverse crowd, both gay and straight. It has a spacious outdoor seating area. One of the more happening bars in Ostrava, it's definitely worth checking out. It opens from 7pm till late every day of the week.
Weekday: Mon-Tues: 7pm-1am Weds: 7pm-3am Thurs: 7pm-1am Fri: 7pm-6am
Weekend: Sat: 7pm-5am Sun: 7pm-1am
Audience Rating
Based on 2 votes
Weekday: Mon-Tues: 7pm-1am Weds: 7pm-3am Thurs: 7pm-1am Fri: 7pm-6am
Weekend: Sat: 7pm-5am Sun: 7pm-1am
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