Sauna Bumerang (CLOSED)
Sauna Bumerang (CLOSED)
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
- ★★
Mazuranicev Trg 2, Zagreb, Croatia, 10000
October 2o21: This sauna is closed.
Friendly, laid-back gay sauna and cruise club in Zagreb. Facilities at Bumerang include private cabins, Finnish sauna, showers and lounge. There is a bar and cafeteria onsite.
The venue hosts the popular 'Naked Night' parties and other themed events - check their website for further details.
Friendly, laid-back gay sauna and cruise club in Zagreb. Facilities at Bumerang include private cabins, Finnish sauna, showers and lounge. There is a bar and cafeteria onsite.
The venue hosts the popular 'Naked Night' parties and other themed events - check their website for further details.
Audience Rating
Based on 59 votes

2017 Audience Awards
3 Star Winner

2018 Audience Awards
4 Star Winner

2019 Audience Awards
3 Star Winner

2020 Audience Awards
3 Star Winner
Sun, Jun 16, 2019
ispušni ventil
A great place to stop after work, and before returning home.
Wed, Apr 11, 2018
Bio sam po prvi prije tjedan dana. Iako odmah po otvaranju bilo je dosta brojna ekipa. Vrlo brzo sam uživao nekoliko komada odjednom. Malo falilo za bukkake, ali drugi puta zasigurno idem na to. Toplo preporučam
Thu, Jan 30, 2020
How things are now? I would love to visit boomerang in hopes of action.
Mon, Jan 15, 2018
minus minus minus
Prljavo, neuredno, zapušteno, jako smrdljivo... kolodvori su čišći. Ostao sam 15 minuta.
Mon, Sep 04, 2017
Really bad
The place dirty and dark, clear and with very little public.
Tue, Aug 22, 2017
solidno iskustvo
Kada sam bio u januaru 2017. godine iako je bio radni dan u kasnim popodnevnim satima sauna i klub su bili puni. Bilo je prilično ok. Možda malo da porade na higijeni, ali zato su cijene prihvatljive. Ostao sam oko sat vremena i sem tuša i saune oprobao sam i jednu kabinu gdje sam ušao. Ne nametljivo i pristojno su mi prišla dva gospodina srednjih godina i lako smo se sporazumjeli. Sve u svemu ocjena za ugođaj 3, a za klijentelu te noći 4+.
Mon, Jun 19, 2017
very old and run down
Agree completely with the last review. I went there twice in mid-June 2017.
On a Thursday there was just one other person all evening. On Saturday, there were about twenty others. All of them over 50 years-old.
If you don't smoke, be warned that the bar/lounge area is very small and everyone seems to smoke. Even on Saturday, the place closes at 11pm and is practically empty by 10pm.
There is a brand new sauna that opened in January 2017, about 1km West of the centre, but I hadn't been there.
Mon, Dec 12, 2016
Went there on Sunday December 13th 2016 late afternoon.
This is as far as I know the only gay sauna in Zagreb.
Was welcomed by some1 in his boxer short with old fashioned white flip flops, who shouldn't be welcoming people dressed like that, complete turn off... a far cry from what u would expect in this city with all the hot real men walking around!
The actual place is simply a large, totally run down flat.
Everything is really shabby, dirty, old fashioned & of really poor taste.
There's a decent size sauna which smells awful, total lack of care & maintenance.
The cubicles area are fitted with a couple of tv's which must date back from the late 70's
They r used & tired floor mats everywhere, which are a real dangerous tripping hazard.
The shower cubicle is filthy, the door frame is from an other age, and in the corridor the wall paint is peeling off.
This area is borderline creepy. U would have to shower at a friend's place or a hotel in a facility like u simply wouldn't.
I stayed 30 mins, they were like 6 other guys, my grand parents age, with massive bellies.
So if u r I to that, its perfect.
I asked for a second towel, as I really had to wash myself as the place didn't look clean at all, despite the shower's cubicle poor state.
I have to say the water was warm & the stream powerful, probably the only positive note I can write on this review.
When I left, the guy asked me for 10krs, stating it was their price for the second towel.
I calmly explained to him, he didn't mention the price & i didn't see it written down in the price list which I looked at " in the supposedly changing room"
He had a horrible attitude, stating it was written & I had to pay for it.
I answered him he didn't seem fair to me as I didn't read Croatian , he didn't mention it, and most importantly I think it's fair to get 2 towels when u go to a spa or a sauna of any kind:
1 for to use in the facilities & 1 clean to dry yrself after yr last shower.
It seems a basic & fair hygiene principle to me, especially when u pay 70 k for the entrance and barely stay 30 mins in such a horrible filthy place. (Just to compare, massive vegetarian pizza, a glass of mine & a glass of sparkling water : 70k at DG pizzeria opposite Dom Sportova.)
As he was so resistant to it, I simply told him that it was a pure joke as it was by far the worst sauna I have ever been to ( the 1 & only sauna in Riga is close to be as bad )
I asked to understand, the photos of the website look nothing like the actual place, it was dirty, run down, borderline creepy, so it was not a matter of not wanting to pay the 10K extra but a matter of principles.
Mon, Oct 24, 2016
Ponedjeljak oko 18 sati, dakle ni u kakvo posebno elitno vrijeme, u sauni je bilo desetak ljudi, možda pola je bilo starijih. Sauna je čista, kabine i tuš također. Do zabave se lako dođe no nitko te ne gnjavi ako si zaista došao samo zbog saune. Sveukupno, ništa fancy i glamurozno, ali sasvim zadovoljavajuće.
Thu, Mar 31, 2016
Not great.
Potpuno neiskorišten prostor, nema ničega, smao pusti hodnici, prljavo, neuredno, zapušeno, smrdljivo.
Fri, Sep 30, 2016
Super sauna, imaju dosta kabina tako da neznam kako gospodin moze reci pusti hodnici
Thu, Jul 23, 2015
Very bad experience
Small, very hot temperature,poor facilities, no aircon, no clients... One of the worst saunas I ever been
Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.