Bochum Gay Bars & Clubs
Bochum Gay Bars & Clubs
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Konrad-Adenauer Platz 3 , Bochum, Germany
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Audience Rating
Based on 2 votes
Monthly gay dance party and a popular nightclub for gays, lesbians and their friends in Bochum.
Queerbeatzz takes place every 4th Saturday of the month. Check their website or Facebook for details.
Queerbeatzz takes place every 4th Saturday of the month. Check their website or Facebook for details.
Weekend: every 4th Sat of the month
Last updated on: 8 Aug 2023
Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023
BOYS Party
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Wallbaumweg 108, Bochum, Germany
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Audience Rating
Based on 3 votes
Popular dance club & party venue for gays, lesbians and friends in Bochum, Germany. Check their Facebook page for the next party date.
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