Brighton Gay Restaurants

    Brighton Gay Restaurants

    Our roundup of gay-owned restaurants and LGBT-popular cafés in Brighton.

    Brighton Gay Restaurants

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    6 Church Road, Brighton, United Kingdom

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 3 votes

    Gay-owned Italian restaurant & café in Brighton & Hove with an authentic Italian atmosphere.

    Semola produces their own pasta on the premises, using Mediterranean ingredients such as virgin olive oil and different varieties of flours to create a tasty menu. Their team members are Italians who are passionate about Italian gastronomy.

    Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On Thursday evenings (6pm-10pm), enjoy all their sauces and pastas 'All You Can Eat' for £15 per person (drinks and desserts not included). Closed on Mondays.

    Nearest station: bus: Second Avenue

    Free WiFi

    Weekday: Tue-Fri 09:00 - 22:00

    Weekend: 09:00 - 22:00

    Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023

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