Experience SongKran
If you've never experienced SongKran, then you have never really experienced Thailand.
Thailand, Laos and Cambodia continues to use a traditional calendar system based on astrological calculations, in addition to the modern Gregorian system (that has 1st January as the first day of the New Year).
This gives Thailand the opportunity to celebrate each New Year twice - an opportunity that is not to be missed. Everyone gets wet as millions take to the street, armed with water guns and buckets.
For the past three years, 2-time Emmy Award winner Editor Kris Trexler has record all the fun on the streets in Bangkok and at the gCircuit parties.
(gCircuit's SK11 takes place from 14th-16th April, 2017)
SongKran 2015
SongKran 2014
SongKran 2013
Special thanks to Kris for his kind permission to use this videos.
(Article first published January 2014. Updated in February 2015 and February 2016)
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