Every effort is taken to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and informative. This website is provided for information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with an appropriately qualified medical practitioner. TravelGay.com is not responsible for information provided in person at any venue featured on the website, and advice is undertaken at the user's discretion.

Gay Cologne Services
Our roundup of other gay-focused businesses, LGBT service providers and organisations in Cologne
Gay Cologne Services
Cologne Checkpoint
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Pipinstraße 7, Cologne, Germany
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Walk-in clinic offering free rapid HIV testing. Checkpoint provides total anonymity and a variety of health information.
Clinics are held Monday-Thursday evenings between 7 and 10 with waiting times around 1 or 2 hours. The clinic may be closed on public holidays.
Rubensstr. 8 – 10 , Cologne, Germany
Show on mapRubicon is an LGBTQ counselling and communication centre in the heart of Cologne, Germany. Open for phone and in-person appointments in areas such as violence, immigration, discrimination, and family issues.
Rubicon hosts regular events and get-togethers for a variety of people - gay dads, rainbow families, trans parents, and more.
Rainbow Refugees Cologne is a part of Rubicon, supporting LGBTQ+ refugees through counselling and support groups.
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