Utah Pride Center

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    Gay Salt Lake City · Services

    Utah Pride Center
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    1380 S Main St, Salt Lake City, USA

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    Around 40 different groups/programs take place each month at the Utah Pride Center. It's a pretty extensive space.

    “Utah Pride unites, empowers and celebrates Utah’s diverse LGBTQ+ community by providing a safe and welcoming space for education, partnership, service, and events which advance our collective health, wellness and success.”

    Here's a list of the available rooms:

    Bastian Counseling Services Lobby
    Bastian Big Room
    Bastian Small Room
    Gallery Lobby
    Gnade Conference Room
    Harvey Milk Room
    Main Floor Lobby
    Marcia P. Johnson Room
    Nikki Boyer and Ann Hart SafeZone
    Peace & Possibility Room
    Rainbow Conference Room
    Stonewall Room
    Youth & Family Green Room
    Youth & Family Red Room
    LGBT services

    Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023

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