
    Gay Southampton · Services

    Our roundup of other gay-owned businesses, service providers and LGBT organisations in Southampton.

    Gay Southampton · Services

      Location Icon

      Southampton, United Kingdom

      Audience Rating

      Based on 1 votes

      Kroma is an LGBT support group operating within Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. They provide a range of services, including support with transitioning, counselling, social meetups and more.

      Check their website for more details.
      lgbt support

      Weekday: +44 30 00 08 08 67

      Last updated on: 4-Aug-2023

        Location Icon

        Southampton, United Kingdom

        Audience Rating

        Based on 1 votes

        The Solent Group organises LGBT walks around Hampshire and the Isle of White. The walks usually take place on the third Sunday of the month. The group coordinators are Stephen and David.

        Check out their website for more details.
        gay meetup

        Last updated on: 4-Aug-2023

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