Grenoble Gay Saunas

    Grenoble Gay Saunas

    Currently, we cover gay saunas and hotels in Grenoble.

    Grenoble Gay Saunas

    Sun7 Sauna
    Location Icon

    24 rue Mallifaud, Grenoble, France

    Audience Rating

    Based on 61 votes

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Gay sauna in Grenoble. Formerly known as at Oxygène, Sun7 includes a sauna, hammam, bar and showers.

    Monday to Thursdays are exclusively gay, whilst the weekend is open to mixed couples/trios. Check out the website for further details.
    Relaxing Cabins

    Last updated on: 23-Nov-2024

    Sauna Saint Ferjus (CLOSED)
    Location Icon

    22 rue Saint-Ferjus, Grenoble, France

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 17 votes

    The first gay venue in Grenoble. Le St Ferjus features a sauna, steam room, video room, relaxing cabins, glory holes, massage area and bar.

    Open 7 days a week. Free parking available.
    Dark Room
    Relaxing Cabins
    Steam room

    Weekday: 14:00 - 21:00

    Weekend: 14:00 - 23:00 / 21:00

    Last updated on: 5-Feb-2025

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