Hannover Gay Cruise Clubs

    Hannover Gay Cruise Clubs

    Want to hook up and play a bit harder? Then head to one of Hannover's gay cruise clubs.

    Hannover Gay Cruise Clubs

    Location Icon

    Reitwallstraße 4, Hannover, Germany

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 49 votes

    2017 Audience Awards

    3 Star Winner

    Let your imagination run wild at Irrgarten, otherwise known as 'Maze'. Here, party-goers come to live out their sexual fantasies; you'll find plenty of action going on in every corner.

    Facilities include a cinema, solo cabins, sling rooms, glory holes, bar, stage area, and cages. There are lockers near the entrance to put your belongings in if you wish to strip off naked.

    Open 7 days a week and 24 hours on weekends. Check their website for event details.
    Cruise / Fetish
    Dark Room
    GoGo Show
    Relaxing Cabins

    Weekday: 10:00 - 04:00

    Weekend: 24 hours

    Last updated on: 11-Oct-2024

    Joe's Dark & Playrooms
    Location Icon

    Odeonstraße 6, Hannover, Germany

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 66 votes

    2017 Audience Awards

    3 Star Winner

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    3 Star Winner

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Cruise club, sex shop and gay cinema in downtown Hannover. Joe's Dark & Playrooms offers something to get everyone's heart beating.

    Facilities include a cruising area, single video cabins, lawn area, sling, SM area and bar, as well as a sex shop selling a variety of clothing, toys, DVD's, magazines and more.

    Open 7 days a week. Check the website for full upcoming events.
    Cruise / Fetish
    Dark Room
    Relaxing Cabins

    Weekday: 11:00 - 01:00

    Weekend: 11:00 - 06:00

    Last updated on: 19-Feb-2025

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