Kiev Gay Cruise Clubs

    Kiev Gay Cruise Clubs

    Looking to play harder? Check out Open Space, the one and only gay cruise club in Kiev

    Disclaimer: Due to the ongoing situation in Ukraine, the information presented on these pages is likely not up-to-date.

    Kiev Gay Cruise Clubs

    Dovbychka Beach
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    Н07, Kiev, Ukraine

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 1 votes

    Dovbychka Beach is a beautiful and sandy naturist beach that is located opposite to Hydropark in Kiev. To get to the beach, take the metro to Hydropark station. From there cross the Resenka river with a small boat - boats leave from the North-Western side of Hydropark, and from the Olmeca Beach, just across the bridge.

    Most cruising action takes place in the forest behind Olmeca beach, and in the bushes behind the naturist Dovbychka beach.

    Cruising Area
    nudist beach

    Last updated on: 15-Feb-2024

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