Gay Lyon · Services
Lyon has a gay community centre that does outreach work as well as hosting parties and events.
Gay Lyon · Services
Center LGBTI Lyon
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19 Rue des Capucins, Lyon, France
Audience Rating
Based on 1 votes
The Lyon LGBTI centre is an important meeting point for the gay community in Lyon.
While the centre is primarily concerned with advocacy issues and outreach work, it has a schedule of activities which includes the odd evening party.
The onsite bar is normally open to the public 7pm-9pm, depending on the event being hosted.
While the centre is primarily concerned with advocacy issues and outreach work, it has a schedule of activities which includes the odd evening party.
The onsite bar is normally open to the public 7pm-9pm, depending on the event being hosted.
Weekday: 19:00 - 21:00
Weekend: 19:00 - 21:00
Last updated on: 7 Aug 2023
Last updated on: 7-Aug-2023
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