
    Okinawa Gay Massage

    Our roundup of male massage service providers in Okinawa

    Okinawa Gay Massage

    Men's Massage Ocean Okinawa
    Location Icon

    1-9-26 Takara Naha, Okinawa, Japan

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 74 votes

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Gay massage service in Okinawa. Bookings accepted via appointment only, between noon until 2am. Enquire for more details or make a reservation via the online form.

    Nearest station: Akamine station


    Weekday: 12pm - 2am

    Weekend: 12pm - 2am

    Last updated on: 17-Mar-2025

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