Porto Gay Massage
Looking for a massage in Porto? Here's our roundup of the local gay and gay-friendly massage providers.
Porto Gay Massage
Porto Massage
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Porto, Portugal
Audience Rating
Based on 25 votes
Oporto is a gay-friendly massage therapist with over 9 years experience, and does a variety of techniques including relaxation, deep tissue, ayurvedic, aromatherapy, localised massage, as well as scrub and mini facial treatments.
Porto Massage is available or hotel/home outcall or you can visit his studio. He is best contacted via messaging his Instagram page or through whatsapp.
Porto Massage has a 10% discount offer until 31st December 2024 for TravelGay users.
Weekday: 08:00- 22:00
Weekend: 08:00- 22:00
Last updated on: 27 Dec 2024
Last updated on: 27-Dec-2024
Relax Massage
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Gaia area, Porto, Portugal
Audience Rating
Based on 53 votes

2019 Audience Awards
3 Star Winner

2020 Audience Awards
3 Star Winner
The studio is located 10 min. from Porto, in the lovely area of Gaia. Here you will find a calm, hygienic and well-maintained apartment. Out-call service to your hotel is also offered.
Enjoy a unique and soothing massage to help you feel refreshed. Total secrecy, discretion and hygiene.
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