Taichung Gay Saunas

    Taichung Gay Saunas

    Taichung has a compact gay scene, now with only one gay-specific sauna

    Taichung Gay Saunas

    Adam Sauna
    Location Icon

    2 Shuangshi Rd, Ln 19, Sec 1, Central District, Taichung, Taiwan

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    Audience Rating

    Based on 14 votes

    Often quiet but it is one of the few gay venues in town. Adam Sauna has large facilities including a steam room, TV lounge, dark room, maze, video room, play zone, etc.

    Located on a street corner near the Taichung train station. 亞當男子三溫暖  臺中市  Look for a white sign in Chinese characters and match the phone number with the one listed below.

    Dark Room
    Relaxing Cabins
    Steam room

    Mon:Open 24 hours

    Tue:Open 24 hours

    Wed:Open 24 hours

    Thu:Open 24 hours

    Fri:Open 24 hours

    Sat:Open 24 hours

    Sun:Open 24 hours

    Last updated on: 26-Jan-2024

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