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    Toulouse Gay Saunas

    Need to get some action and let loose? Visit one of these popular gay saunas in Toulouse.

    Toulouse Gay Saunas

    Sauna Les Thermes Toulouse
    Today: 1 entry purchased = 1 entry free, Free entry valid for a Wednesday of your choice - Every Wednesday
    Tomorrow: Naked Party, every Thursday from 7 p.m - Every Thursday
    Location Icon

    8 place Belfort, Toulouse, France

    Audience Rating

    Based on 15 votes

    Les Thermes, a gay sauna in Toulouse completely renovated, is open 7 days a week from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.

    On 400m2, they offer a Jacuzzi, collective showers, a hammam, a Finnish sauna, a restaurant area, as well as several levels of fun and themed cabins.

    Check the event page here for further information.

    Nearest station: Jean Jaures

    gay sauna
    private rooms
    Themed Events

    Weekday: 12pm - 2am

    Weekend: 12pm- 2am

    Last updated on: 23-Aug-2024

    KS Sauna
    Today: €5 Entry for Under 25's - Every Wednesday
    Location Icon

    6 rue Saint-Ferréol, Toulouse, France

    Show on map
    Audience Rating

    Based on 47 votes

    Popular gay sauna with well-maintained facilities in a 400 m² space. KS features a dry sauna, lockers, shower room, private cabins, TV, bar and café that serves light snacks and fast food.

    Massage service available. KS also hosts regular special events - visit the website for details.
    Internet Access
    Relaxing Cabins

    Weekday: 12:00 - 02:00

    Weekend: 12:00 - 03:00 / 02:00

    Last updated on: 27-Feb-2025

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