B:EAST Party
B:EAST Party
- ★★
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- ★★
Wiesenweg 1-4, Berlin, Germany, 10365

Launched in August 2015, B:EAST is a large monthly techno dance party for gays and friends, taking place at the best clubbing venues in Berlin.
Photos and details about upcoming parties can be found on their website or Facebook page.
Audience Rating
Based on 27 votes

2019 Audience Awards
4 Star Winner

2020 Audience Awards
4 Star Winner
Sun, Nov 24, 2019
Visited the last beast party. The club is all closed up. Party does not happen anymore.
Wed, Apr 28, 2021
B:EAST back at Magdalena and London at Ministry of Sound for Open Airs in 2021
Hey Guys
We went back to our old Location the Magdalena for some Open Airs in 2020 and this Year we are together with our Mothership REVOLVER on Tour in Amsterdam and London at Ministry of Sound .
Check our Website for tickets.
Sun, Feb 03, 2019
Hit me up kittens, love this place. x
Tue, Jan 02, 2018
Terrible experience
Visited Beast for New Years Eve 2017, a complete let down and waste of money. Beast has really gone down since I last visited. It took 1 hour waiting in line to enter in the freezing cold Berlin December weather, and then 1 hour waiting in line for the wardrobe only to be told it was closed and not accepting anymore items. Wardrobe staff screaming and shouting at the customers and banging on the counter with their fists. Very poor of the Beast team. The DJs were good, Golding and Manson but the terrible experience of the venue and beast team lowers the quality of their brand. I was due to visit again but have cancelled.
Sat, Jul 22, 2017
Hit and miss
Beast seems to have lost the plot a bit recently. The last few events have been empty with not many guys. I think the terrible experience at Ipse with the horrendous queues, cloak room melt down and rude staff has made a lot of guys go elsewhere.
Wed, Aug 09, 2017
B:EAST PARTY feedback
We are sorry that you feel that B:EAST was inconsistent in recent months and that the numbers went down.
After the initial shock in January that our resident club Magdakena had closed down we had to find a replacement location in January. That the Ipse was not the perfect club and we are sorry that the club managent and staff didn't cope with the large numbers of Clubbers. We then moved the Event to the Kesselhaus where our numbers didn't decline at all, we had still at every events around 800 to 1000 clubbers only the venue was very large and difficult to fill. I'm glad some of our clubbers actually appreciated the large we went into to keep the brand going and to offer such a large production at Kesselhaus.
The July Party was not canceld at all, we moved the CSD Party together with other brands to create the Unity Party.. And B:EAST was on in the week after Pride . Now back at our original location things will get back to normal...
Tue, Jul 04, 2017
Beast is a good party but the events have been a real mess recently with events cancelled last minute, venues changed and the DJ line up being uncertain. The night at Ipse was a total mess, queuing for over an hour to get even with tickets and then waiting again for the cloak room. The July event was cancelled with no notice and not even an email about refunds. I think the event has got too big for the promoters to manage. Not worth trekking across the city for an event that might not go ahead or be a wash out.
Wed, Aug 09, 2017
We are sorry that you feel that B:EAST was inconsistent in recent months and that the numbers went down.
After the initial shock in January that our resident club Magdakena had closed down we had to find a replacement location in January. That the Ipse was not the perfect club and we are sorry that the club managent and staff didn't cope with the large numbers of Clubbers. We then moved the Event to the Kesselhaus where our numbers didn't decline at all, we had still at every events around 800 to 1000 clubbers only the venue was very large and difficult to fill. I'm glad some of our clubbers actually appreciated the large we went into to keep the brand going and to offer such a large production at Kesselhaus.
The July Party was not canceld at all, we moved the CSD Party together with other brands to create the Unity Party. We offered free entry to anyone with a bought csd ticket to Unity via Favebook and emails..
On top of the CSD Event B:EAST was on in the week after Pride too . Now back at our original location, 1 Stralau (es Magdalena) things will get back to normal...“
In the Future please don't hesitate to contact us in case of a complain or feedback.
Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.