Der Boiler

    Der Boiler

    Large, modern gay sauna in the middle of Kreuzberg district.

    Der Boiler

    Location Icon

    Mehringdamm 34, Berlin, Germany, 10961

    Der Boiler
    Tomorrow: Weekday Infusions - Every Wednesday

    Large gay sauna (1,500 m²) on 3 floors. Der Boiler features a steam room, Finnish sauna, whirlpool, lockers, dark room, private cabins, plus Apple Mac stations, massage & spa area. Free lockers.

    The bar & café with an outdoor terrace serves drinks, light meals, salads, sandwiches, coffee, beer, and more, all of which are reasonably priced. The staff are very friendly, welcoming, and good at their job of keeping the place clean.

    Der Boiler attracts a very diverse client base of all ages and body types. The relaxed environment makes it possible to visit just to socialise with friends.

    Discounts for students, early birds, and night owls. You may need to queue during party or festival weekends.

    Weekday: 12:00 - 06:00

    Weekend: 24 hours

    Nearest station: U: Mehringdamm

    Internet Access
    Jacuzzi / Hot Pool
    Relaxing Cabins
    Steam room
    Rate Der Boiler
    Audience Rating

    Based on 221 votes

    2017 Audience Awards
    2017 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Denis Tomić

    Tue, Jun 18, 2024

    One of the best

    I was in the sauna three times in two days. So I liked it. This is not my first sauna. I have already been to saunas in Vienna, Budapest, Barcelona, ​​Prague, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Zagreb, Belgrade, Frankfurt, and I can say that it is perhaps not the best or the biggest that I have been in (Barcelona and Budapest are big competitors), but still very good big, but the hygiene is at a very high level, the employees are incredibly helpful. Special places for the smoking, and private toilets and hygiene corners. The lockers for things are large, and there are also places to charge mobile phones and other devices. Crowd is very mixed. I will come again!
    Michael Riez

    Tue, Aug 29, 2023

    Also ICH fand's toll...

    Insgesamt war es SEHR nett und SEHR sauber... Die Kasse war ERSTKLASSIG UND LUSTIG....

    Thu, Nov 17, 2022

    Der Boiler

    Very clean, very friendly staff and friendly visitors.

    Sat, Feb 26, 2022


    Great venue!! Very clean and fresh and modern, with friendly and helpful staff!! I have visited saunas in many cities in the world, good and bad and awful ones, Boiler goes right up there at the top of my list. Also, great crowd! No age-ism here, even me at 50+ and a few kilos too much got attention from guys of all ages

    Mon, Nov 02, 2020

    The worst experience in a sauna!!! UNFRIENDLY !!!

    Last night I went to the sauna, at 21.27 they didn't let me in because they would be closing, I asked them why there was no written anywhere on their website about a last admission time. The receptionist said it would be an hour before closing, and I told him we were an hour and a half before closing anyway, he tried to make up for it by saying that the sauna was full anyway and with Covid restrictions they couldn't let in anymore of 100 people, and at that exact moment 3 people went out, but the sauna was still full. The receptionist at my request for a contact to send my complaint to the sauna management totally refused to give me any contact, the only things he could say was sorry sorry sorry. Moreover, from an economic point of view, one should try to collect and monetize as much as possible in this period given the reduction in collections and closures due to Covid-19, instead the employee was only looking for a way to close as quickly as possible to go home . If there were certain rules, they should be clearly written on the website and at the entrance. Then he also told me that it was not worth paying the entrance for an hour and a half, but to my answer that the money is mine and I use it as I want he could not reply in any other way, and he only said sorry sorry sorry when I clearly expressed my disappointment and the economic damage due to the taxi paid round trip, and in addition to the wasted time that no one can ever refund me. I don't know if these are sauna or employee rules, but they are really unfriendly, if that should be a place to relax, it seems something else.

    Tue, Jan 28, 2020

    Schrecklichste Sauna die wir jemals betreten haben

    Wir waren am 27.01.20 zu dritt in der Sauna. Schon am Eingang erwartete uns schrecklich unfreundliches Personal... ein lockerer Spruch wurde so persönlich genommen als hätten wir die Unschuld einer holden Meidt geraubt... In der Sauna erwarteten uns NUR alte und nicht wirklich attraktive andere Gäste... Nachdem die allgemeine Stimmung einem Friedhof glich und wir es in unserer Gruppe wagten etwas zu lachen und Spass zu haben wurde uns erklärt wir sollten entweder ähnliche Friedhofsstimmung wie der Rest an den Tag legen oder gehen... Ein in der Folge geführtes Gespräch brachte die Situation vollends zum eskalieren und so gingen wir nach etwa 30Minuten freiwillig. Fazit: Junge und attraktive Typen sind hier kaum zu finden, alles eher 50plus und wohl recht verzweifelt... Personal eine Zumutung... unfreundlich, inkompetent und geschäftsschädigend (unattraktiv sei hier aufgrund mangelnder Relevanz unerwähnt - obgleich man sich fragt, wer für die Personalauswahl in einer schwulen Sauna verantwortlich ist... junges und zugleich attraktives Personal wäre sicherlich dem jetzigen vorzuziehen). Spass ist hier gänzlich unerwünscht... Niemals wieder würde einer von uns dreien diesen Horrorladen abermals betreten. Bestes Beispiel für den Umstand, weshalb diese Art von Geschäftsmodell seit Jahren rückläufig ist... Nicht zu empfehlen.
    Enrique Cambronero

    Thu, Nov 28, 2019

    Great sauna

    I have been to DER BOILER many times on my trips to BERLIN and don’t have any complaints about the place. Personally in the future I will try to avoid Sunday. It is too crowded for me , entrance fee €21 for 6 hrs after that €2 for each extra hour.I have never had a bad experience with the staff . They always seem polite. The crowd I find it to be like any crowd in any sauna that I have visited from very young to very old. Every time that I have been there the cabins are always busy with guys having fun. There are guys from all over the world. In my personal opinion what I have seen is that the guys hook up with guys their own age in most cases and don’t get fool by the tall, handsome guys a lot of them are bottoms. The cabins are free and on crowded days you see guys looking for a empty cabin here and there and if you are just taking a break in one of those empty cabins some will come and ask you to leave in order to be use by a couple in need of fun. I don’t speak German but some guys speak English which sometimes make it difficult to understand what they want. Like in any sauna you’ll see guys walking around in circles I guess looking for someone that they like. The attitude of the clientele is like any attitude in that kind of venue some are nice some are not but that is the nature of such places. The hook up factor varies depending on the day , the time etc etc. Of course one has to be realistic hook ups depend a lot on your age, body type, race after all we all have preferences. Bar sells beer, wine and a variety of snacks to choose from. If you go to BERLIN and like saunas go to DER BOILER you will not be disappointed ( in most cases).
    Alex X

    Sat, Sep 21, 2019

    A really fun place

    Visited this sauna twice during my trip to Berlin and one of those I will remember for a very long time. It's a great place - modern, clean and with plenty of space to play in the dark
    Alex X

    Sat, Sep 21, 2019

    A fun place

    A had 2 excellent trips to the Boiler, one of which I will remember for a very long time. It's spacious and modern, easy to get to, and pretty clean. I'd definitely go back there!

    Fri, Aug 16, 2019

    Luggage storage

    Do you know if I can come by with my luggage? I'm not talking about my small backpack. Thanks!

    Wed, Jul 17, 2019

    Best sauna I ever visited

    Great modern big sauna, I've never been so disappointed when it comes to men I like in this place, lot of action too. Good mix of people - all ages. Good value for money (but maybe expensive for berlin standards), other saunas I hang out at charge similar prices.

    Mon, May 27, 2019

    Unacceptable: too many old men

    Unfortunately we need to correct the previous review. My boyfriend and I have been appreciating the Boiler sauna for many years (one of the most beautiful structures in Europe); we had already noticed a worrying increase in old men, but now, the situation is out of control. We entered Saturday and Sunday (25 and 26 May 2019) and, men over 65yo, were at least 80%. If the situation does not improve, we will be forced to go to the Laboratory where, as practically everywhere in Berlin, there is a selection at the entrance (as it should be). Sorry, but the admission price is too high for a hospice.. We are very disappointed, but we hope to be able to write a positive review again.
    Moh'd M

    Sat, Aug 19, 2023

    Fix your attitude

    So what is wrong with older guys going there? I am 30 year old, and i am attracted to older guys and bears. Also, having a variety of customers will be good for the business owner and the customers like me who like guys from different age group and shape. Lastly, they pay to enter with their own money and not yours, so have respect. Go to places that discriminate based on Age and one day when you get old, you will cry for what you wish for.

    Mon, Apr 10, 2023


    This review is disgusting ageism. Travelgay should take this review down as it is clearly posted by bigots.

    Fri, Nov 12, 2021

    WOW, Lets hope you don't get old

    Like most things associated with play this place doesn't only cater to those looking to unload. Some people visit these establishments for food, just to be around other people and to be in a area where they feel comfortable and can be themselves.

    Mon, Nov 01, 2021

    Vous avez la critique facile moscardini

    J’ai lu votre commentaire sur le sauna de sitges maintenant sur celui du boiler Berlin . J’ai bien peur que vous soyez un frustré alors un conseil : Restez chez vous au lieu de démolir des commerçants gratuitement sur les réseaux sociaux . Bien à vous

    Sun, Oct 31, 2021

    Moscardini für deine Einstellung sollst du hausverbot bekommen

    MOSCARDINI deine Einstellung ist dämlich und diskriminierend. Du sollst dich schämen so zu denken. Du wirst auch alt. Mehr Respekt vor der alten Generation, die für unsere Rechte gekämpft haben.

    Tue, Aug 24, 2021

    Jesus how ageist is Moscardin,whats the matter sunshine the older men not allowed to have fun any more,don't forget you will reach that age at some point and I hope you get more respect from the younger generation that you are showing now

    Jesus how ageist is Moscardin, what's the matter sunshine older men not allowed to have fun any more, don't forget you will reach that age at some point and I hope you get more respect from the younger generation that you are showing now. And if it wasn't for the older gay, flighting for gay rights you wouldn't be having the privilege of being able to use gay saunas now, so think on before opening your mouth.

    Tue, Jun 29, 2021


    And you should forbidding to enter any sauna. You are agist and not a true member of our LGBTQ+ community.

    Mon, Aug 03, 2020

    Keep Living

    You don't have nerve, you have a hell of a nerve complaining about older men (65+), keep on living you get there too but knowing your attitude you might not make it. I am 59 going on 60 and feeling very good about it. Respect the elders!!!!

    Thu, Aug 15, 2019

    What an idiot review

    This is proof that, besides young and old men, assholes also go to the saunas.

    Wed, Jul 31, 2019

    No place for ageism...

    Outrageous to talk about older gay men like that. Everyone has a right to have fun no matter their age, shape or color! Have respect for your own community.

    Sat, Jun 15, 2019

    Typical gay attitude!!

    If you're lucky you will live to be over 65, and you will still be going to the bathhouses. These older men are the ones that fought for you right to be able to go to these places. Stop being an ass and start respecting them!!

    Mon, Dec 31, 2018

    Best sauna in Europe

    This is undoubtedly the best sauna in Europe. On weekends, it works 24 hours and it is completely full. I had so much fun with so many handsome guys there.

    Sat, Nov 24, 2018

    Outstanding, among the world’s best

    Alongside the Nieuwezijds sauna in Amsterdam, Berlin’s Der Boiler is the finest I’ve ever experienced. Super-posh - more like a day spa than a sleazy sex dive. The facilities are beautiful, plus clean and impeccably maintained. At 5pm on a Friday the crowd was varied, all types - friendly in general. But this is Germany, so there is some reservation. My only complaint is that their dry sauna, a place where I always enjoy flirting, are too open to the public (glass walls) so it’s a bit too obvious and kills the mood. Overall, I would return in a heartbeat...In fact, maybe I’ll go again today. A bit pricey compared to saunas in Spain, plus they charge extra for sandals, but for the quality of the place it’s not a problem.

    Fri, Aug 24, 2018

    The only one is the No.1

    I was surprised to learn that Der Boiler is the only one gay sauna in Berlin when I prepared my summer trip to Europe. It's hard to believe but it is the fact, and actually I am happy about that because it means I don't need to run like hell between different saunas during my fairly short stay in Berlin. And I expected to meet tons of hot guys there cause someone here said he waited for 20 minutes in the long queue to get in. So I visited Der Boiler in 2 consecutive days in July, one Sunday and one Monday. To my disappointment, I didn't see the long queue before the entrance. I was not too late, not too early either. The first day (Sunday) I arrived at 19:00, the second day (Monday) I arrived at 17:00, and I stayed there for 2 hours each time. I met no more than 20 guys during my every visit. It's Berlin! However I still had enough fun with some guys there since my taste is middle age guys.Yes, most clients are 40+, some are hot and some are out of shape. I could easily picked up my type even if there were no more than 20 guys during my visit. The place is big and has enough good and clean facilities: big jacuzzi, 2 dry sauna rooms, steam labyrinth and dark room, free private rooms. Berlin men are open and friendly to new faces, especially to a young and exotic Asian face like me. I felt adored for many men there showed interest in me. Later I visited Prague, Munich, Vienna, Budapest, Krakow, Warsaw. After many visits to the local sauna in each city, Der Boiler is still my No.1 choice.

    Sat, Feb 24, 2018

    So busy

    I did arrive at 18H a Sunday in Feb and had to wait 20 minutes to get in. Long queue of guys, mainly from start 20’s to mid 40’s. I’m mid 40. Inside tonnes of guys and especially the steam bath was extremely busy.

    Wed, Feb 14, 2018

    Great Place

    Being fairly new to the scene and just the wrong side of 50, i was a little nervous when i first arrived. I found everyone to be very friendly. The sauna was very clean and safe throughout. Fun to be had in the Saunas, whirpool, private rooms, labyrinth and cinema On my first night i arrived about 1am and left about 3am. During my time i enjoyed the company of numerous guys and had many new experiences. My second night i was there from 11.30pm to 3.30am and made many new friends. If you want it, you will find it whatever your taste or preference whether you want to play or watch. Give it a try you will not regret it. I am visiting again next week and cant wait.

    Sun, Feb 04, 2018

    Great place - clean - much fun

    I am really into saunas and always choose a travel destination depending on gay saunas of the each city By surprise, I found out that Berlin has only one real gay sauna. At least, it is clean and nearly all day long open, but very expensive as it is monopoly in Berlin. If you will stay more that 5 days, you can get a card with cheaper entrance fee. Anyway, if you like saunas that is your only choice. VERY BUSY AT SUNDAY AFTERNOON !!

    Tue, Jan 23, 2018

    More of the same

    Loads and loads of people - I went on a working day, Business day and the place was packed with people, different shapes, races and body types. Still, there was little to no action happening, aside from some pushy people. Honestly, if you have a huge craving for saunas, then go and have fun, you won't be disappointed. Still, if you consider sauna among other things like bars, sex clubs and so on, then perhaps this is a miss. It is one of the cleanest and most organized saunas I have ever been too, but it's nothing out of this world. Perhaps the value is a little off too, but, as someone else said: "if you're the only sauna in the city, why not take advantage of that?"

    Mon, Jan 22, 2018

    Pricy and just OK

    There is nothing lacking in this sauna but nothing special either. Was very busy when I went on a late Sunday afternoon but it figures as I understood it is the only one in Berlin now (who knew, times they are certainly changing). 21€ is a lot for an entrance but if you have the monopoly, why not to take an advantage of it?

    Fri, Jan 05, 2018


    The best gay sauna I have ever been to around Europe. Gorgeous men around all the time.

    Tue, Nov 14, 2017

    New policy at the Boiler

    Because this is the only gay sauna in Berlin, they have now introduced a policy whereby the entrance fee (21 Euro) is only valid for 5 hours. If you want to stay longer, you have to pay 2 Euro for each extra hour you spend there. All these restrictions and regulations just add to the general feeling of Berlin not being a very friendly tourist destination.

    Wed, Nov 01, 2017


    I felt welcome as soon as I entered the door! Huge place, good sized lockers, lots of showers, warm Stone areas to relax, good sized pool/hot tub with a glass side to see from steam room. Two large glass fronted saunas, one at 60deg with colour changing lighting, the other at 90deg. Good to see who is in and whether guys are sat, laid down or playing before you join them! Very dark steam labyrinth, mainly for standing and walking, few seats! Good place to relax and enjoy. Go before 2pm and its lots cheaper!

    Sat, Dec 02, 2017


    I beg to differ from you: 1.- "Good side lockers". Not such a thing. It is a regular, narrow locker that you find everywhere. My gym lockers are bigger than these ones. 2.- "Very dark steam..." That is stretching the fact...a lot. It is not even dark. You see everybody faces, and their asses and...It looks like Anchorage at 02:00 AM during summer time. 3.- "Go before 2 PM..." Monday to Friday before 14:00 pm is 15 Euros and for 5 hours. Extra hours is 2 Euros each. Facilities are good, cleanliness very good - as any place in Germany, service good. The value is a 4 because the new policy of only 5 hours for 21 Euros. Please do not stretch the facts.

    Mon, Oct 30, 2017

    Diversión en estado puro.

    Impera la limpieza y la amabilidad del personal, lo mejor es la mezcla de edades, turistas y lugareños. La arquitectura de interiores no ahorró a la hora de crear un sitio que se puede comer con los ojos. No me quedan palabras para hablar del brasileño de la recepción, un gustazo solo de verlo por su educación. ......ya ves, siempre que yo vuelva a Berlín tengo que visitar este sitio.

    Mon, Feb 15, 2021

    who was he

    Does he still work there?
    Greg Gragon

    Sat, Aug 19, 2017

    One of the best gay saunas in Europe!

    Absolutely loved it! Plenty of space, plenty of guys mixed age and types. Loved the steam sauna and the labirynths of the dark room (though could be bigger). Come earlier during weekends - first time, I had to stand in huge queue on Sunday.
    Lil Kim

    Wed, Aug 16, 2017

    Only one gay sauna in Berlin!

    So how come a huge (and ever expanding) city like Berlin has ONLY ONE gay sauna? The owner of this venue must be very happy about that.

    Thu, Aug 10, 2017


    First time ever on a sauna but great experience. Super clean and Big, comfortable. Went with my partner and everyone was playful and respectful. Weekday at 6 pm was enough people, most of them above 45 yo but most good looking, also younger people. We had a threesome and was lot of fun.

    Sat, Jul 29, 2017


    No wonder there are only great comments about it. By far, the best and cleanest sauna I've ever been. Well structured facilities. Friendly staff (especially the Brazilian guy at the reception). The public is also a good mix, from young to older and from local to internationals. Many good-looking ones. It doesn't matter what time one goes, this place will not be empty It sure worth the price.

    Sat, Jul 15, 2017

    Indeed an great place

    Went there on a Sunday at about 6pm and left at midnight. Clean, nice atmosphere, hot men of all kind. The locals were welcoming and nice, even if they were not into having sex. There was a very pleasant patio open (summer). One thing - next time I'm bringing my own condoms, as the free condoms are very thick. Lub for free- ask for it in the bar.

    Tue, Jul 11, 2017

    Awesome sauna

    I always pay a visit when in Berlin. Big and modern clean facilities and always busy. Always lots going on in the steam room. Last time I was there I had only been in for a few minutes and had my first encounter. A mind blowing experience being serviced by three guys at the same time. Looking forward to my next visit.

    Tue, Feb 14, 2017

    Best in Europe

    Best time to go is Sunday from 2/3pm - leaving time will be when you run out of energy because the hot guys just keep on coming - make sure you hit the gym prior and get buffed up really good otherwise as some other reviews say the hot guys like to pose - that's not true -they are there to have fun but they will only go with someone hot, so expect major competition but that makes it all the more fun.

    Tue, Feb 07, 2017


    After 3 people died at Splash/ Steamworks... please be aware of emergency exits. Also locker keys can easily be lost as management have been unable to introduce a proper wrist band.

    Tue, Jan 03, 2017

    Simply exceptional. What an experience.

    Thoughtful architectural design and exacting building standards combined with great staff = great experience. Quality is built into every square centimetre of this space right down to the heated, tiled seating plinths surrounding the spa pool and adjacent areas. Quiet chillout music is no competition for the sound of chatter. Yes, friends go here to socialise. You know? Talk to each other? Without cell phones? Remember that? Yes, the design lends itself to socialising and course alcoholic beverages and food are available just as a civilised society would allow. I could rave on. Yes, the design is pared back, but the flow is great. Add to that dozens of hot, playful men and that a five stars from me. One slightly jarring note. Condoms are freely available, but no lube. So take your own.

    Sun, Dec 18, 2016

    Wonderful sauna!

    Been here several times and consider it my favorite sauna in the world. Not only is it very nicely built and kept, but it also attracts a wonderful range of men.

    Sun, Dec 18, 2016

    Racist Free!

    Being an Asian, my worry is my race. But this place welcomes me not only warm but hot experiences that boost my ego to maximum limit, and its very clean too. Babylon in Asia, Der Boiler in Europe... To all Asians especially my Kababayan readers, this place is highly recommended!

    Fri, Nov 04, 2016

    Amazing and clean

    June 16 visit - amazing sauna - very clean with good facilities! felt more like a health club in parts then leading down to a very clean sauna area. Rooms are big and clean with excellent saunas to use! Some hot guys go here but I found they tend to come with mates and click together, seemed to be more interested in each other rather than being there for fun. In saying that I did manage to play with some really stunning guys, but most just want to enjoy being looked at.

    Tue, Oct 25, 2016

    The best sauna ever

    We have been there on a Sunday afternoon and can say that it was totally awesome. Great audience, clean, the sauna is set up perfectly in terms of layout. Only positive !!!

    Fri, Sep 16, 2016

    G R E A T

    Absolutely great experience at this sauna! Very young guys (around 20ies) and sauna very big: 3 floor, big jacuzzi, very big steam room (I loved so much to meet young guys like me). The best clean sauna I have ever seen! Staff very polite! I think this is the best sauna in the world ( I travel a lot) . Thank you Der Boiler staff!

    Mon, Jul 11, 2016


    Easily the cleanest and smartest sauna I have visited. Friendly and full of fit guys, mostly 25 and older. If you only ever visit one gay sauna, make it this one. Non-threatening and has great facilities. I particularly enjoyed the steam room/maze and the very large jacuzzi. Hooked up with a Hungarian, Italian and African; all great guys. Tenderness as well as raunch.

    Sun, Jul 03, 2016

    Good place

    The facilities are great. The 2 different saunas, the steam room and the jacuzzi are great. It's very cruisy, although I didn't get so much fun, like in another European saunas; there are so many guys when I visited and I found they were not with so much disposition to cruise. So many times, I think less is more.

    Mon, Jun 27, 2016

    Good Sauna

    I visited this place and it's very clean and well maintained. The charges are bit high but worth it. Only important is that they should provide slippers with the cover fine...

    Sun, Jun 19, 2016

    Mixed crowd, friendly staff

    The nice thing is that the crowd is very mixed: young, old, dat, thin. This reinforces the idea that everyone is welcome. Staff is very friendly and offer a good service. This sauna is clean. The bar part offers a big choice of meals, snacks and drinks

    Sat, May 14, 2016

    Nice, big traditional sauna.

    Deluxe old-style bathhouses like this one are disappearing because of hook-up apps on our cell phones. Too bad, because these can still be fun. There were a few dozen guys, some quite cute, when I stopped by Friday around midnight (I would suggest going earlier) but this place is so big it felt a little empty. Like most saunas in Europe, you cannot rent a private room but you can borrow any that are available. Safe, clean and secure. Not sleazy at all.

    Wed, Apr 20, 2016

    My favorite sauna in Berlin

    Very clean facilities including swimming pool, a very large steam room, lots of cabin (including a few with slings), a cinema room and a dark area. They also have large shower facilities and itimate cleaning shower. Decent on site restaurant. It has always been quite busy every time I went there. Varied ages, younger crowd tend to come in the late evening while older guys fancy the afternoons more.

    Fri, Apr 08, 2016

    Modern and nice place

    Visited from Friday 8.00 to 10.00 pm. Nice,clean easy to find. A big venue for a sauna that I ever been. Visitors are majority above 27 and many seniors - no twinky, if you like this age group is a fantastic.

    Wed, Jul 22, 2015

    Best Place

    It's a big sauna with a big Jacuzzi. A very nice labyrinth. And a great place to relax. I was in Berlin for a flight connection and didn't want to stay in a hotel. Stay there for the whole night, it is possible to have fun, sleep for a couple of hours and than take a shower and go to the airport. (They have like a sleeping room)

    Thu, Jul 02, 2015

    The best sauna ever

    The best sauna ever in all of Europe. The staff are very friendly. The place is always clean. Hot guys. Worth the price. For sure I'll be back soon.

    Wed, Mar 18, 2015


    I would say that is so far the best sauna ever I have visited in Europe, I 've been to many Saunas and that is simply the best, very sexy guys, very clean, affordable, very big and it has the best facilities - better time to go on a Sunday afternoon
    Ekachai chieochalakom

    Fri, Feb 06, 2015

    My regular Sunday afternoon

    I have been to De Boiler mostly on Sunday afternoon after 3pm, that is the best time to go there. Sometimes there was even queue in the front. The place is big and clean but I think the number of cabins are too little.

    Fri, Apr 18, 2014

    If only....

    If only the saunas in London where like this one. Big, clean, reasonably priced and with a good number of sexy guys. Give it a go.

    Wed, Feb 12, 2014

    Clean and big

    Big and clean. One of the best I've ever seen. Was a bit empty in the weekend. Few guys playing with their mobile (with camera): filming other guys? Staff could be more active to prevent this.

    Mon, Jan 06, 2014

    It' s perfect

    Perfect, clean crowd. A good place to stay Spend your time there. The most interesting gay sauna in Europe.

    Mon, Dec 30, 2013

    Tres beau sauna

    Tres belles installations. Sauna plein à craquer un dimanche pendant les fêtes de fin d'année. Clientèle variée, pour tous les goûts. Installation très propres, nettoyage frequent, personnel également sympa. Massage effectué par un vrai masseur. Super! A conseiller, de preference un jour avec un peu moins de monde, mais ça!!

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.