Phoenix Sauna

    Phoenix Sauna

    Popular gay sauna with hot young crowd.

    Phoenix Sauna

    Location Icon

    Richard-Wagner-Straße 12, Cologne, Germany, 50674

    Phoenix Sauna
    Tomorrow: Two For One Day - Every Wednesday

    Popular gay sauna with large facilities including a steam room, dry sauna, jacuzzi, large cruising areas and bar.

    Regular themed events include 'Naked Party', 'Wellness Evening' and 'Two For One'. Massage services available. Visit Phoenix's website for details and special offers.

    Mon:12:00 - 06:00

    Tue:12:00 - 06:00

    Wed:12:00 - 06:00

    Thu:12:00 - 06:00

    Fri:12:00 - 00:00

    Sat:Open 24 hours

    Sun:00:00 - 06:00

    Nearest station: U: Rudolfplatz

    Dark Room
    Jacuzzi / Hot Pool
    Relaxing Cabins
    Steam room
    Rate Phoenix Sauna
    Audience Rating

    Based on 71 votes

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    Vitalijs vitality
    Vitalijs vitality

    Tue, May 14, 2024


    The truth is that I am quite disappointed: I usually never write opinions about anything, but this occasion deserves it. I have been to this sauna several times as a customer and it was great, but today I felt unappreciated as a customer and I will explain and describe in detail why: I was in the steam sauna and when I went outside I saw that my Towel had been stolen (confusions like this happen) so I went upstairs to the checkout all wet and naked to ask for a new towel and the guy gave me a new one and asked me for the locker number so he could charge me for it could towel (a good hygiene item that in all saunas in the world is provided free of charge to all users as often as necessary), the fact is that while the boy at the checkout brought me the towel, another man (not... boy) came through the other window of the ticket office to buy a ticket for the sauna and as there were two interconnected screens of the box in the windows, I noticed that the man only paid €20 for his entry (slippers included). while I paid €27 for my entry + €3 for the shoes. Naturally, I asked the man why a user had paid one price and I had paid much more for the same ticket plus shoes. The boy told me that this man was 20 years old and that 20 year olds pay 20 euros, although I knew full well that this man was not 20 years old and I realized that at no point had he shown him his ID . But well, the moral of all this is that the world works according to the mood of the person serving you, and I suspect that the clerk who let me in didn't like me this time. Thanks!! I wish that the universe nice boy gives u the same back!!

    Jani Dani

    Tue, Aug 29, 2023


    On Monday night I went for the first time, and never again. I regretted giving 27 euros. Space is confused. You don't know where you are. There are a lot of old people. The atmosphere is cold, sterile. Grandfathers walk around the sauna like a zombie.
    Uxxx Cgn

    Sun, Mar 17, 2024

    falscher Tag für den ersten Besuch

    Are you really surprised that there isn't much going on on a Monday? 


    Mon, Jun 19, 2023

    Schwule diskriminiert in schwuler Sauna

    Montag ist gemischter Hetero / Schwuler Tag. Ich habe kein Problem damit. Aber ich finde nicht in Ordnung, dass in einer schwulen Sauna, mehrere Stunden lang Schwule Eintrittsverbot in die Dampfsauna bekommen, damit sich da die Heteros austoben. Entweder sollte man da eine Hetero-Party machen, dann lasst uns Schwule nicht rein, oder es ist wirklich gemischt, dann haben wir auch das gleiche Recht wie die Heteros, schliesslich sind sie bei uns in einer schwulen Sauna zu Gast und nicht wir bei ihnen. Der Angestellte am Eingang war sehr ungehalten, als ich mich darüber beschwerte. Er sagte: "So Leute wie dich braucht das Land nicht". Ich empfinde das als Beleidigung und erwarte eine Erklärung von der Geschäftsleitung. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn nächstes Mal ein Zaun zwischen Hetero und Schwule aufgerichtet wird. Ich bin schwer enttäuscht über die Phoenix-Sauna, die ich seit dreissig Jahren kennen und die immer sehr gut gewesen war. Schade. Nächstes Mal woanders hin.

    Mon, Jun 15, 2020

    it is ok

    Well located and well equiped, men between 45 to 65 yo, I would have prefered more a aged mixed people. I went a sunday and there was a brunch which was awesome!

    Thu, Jul 11, 2019

    Very good

    Location: City center. 20 minutes walk from the station. Rudolfplatz stop. Type of clientele: Saturday 6 June and Monday 8 June 2019, the sauna was practically full from morning to night. The age ranged from 20 to 50 years. Many beautiful young boys. Structure: Very nice. The sauna is newly built and well maintained. Cleanliness: Good. Managers clean several times a day. Prices: Not too high. Advice for customers: If you are looking for fun with young men in their twenties, this is your place. We had a great time especially on Monday morning. We don't know if the sauna is full of people outside the gay pride days. Advice for managers: The cabins are too small.

    Sun, Dec 09, 2018

    a good sauna

    Been here for a few times and never once disappointed. Will be back for sure.

    Sun, Nov 11, 2018

    The best Sauna

    I visited Cologne first time in 2012, I fell in love with this city, the best part is Phoenix. I keep coming to Cologne whenever I can just to visit Phoenix. I never seen anything like this before. It has got everything one can want to spend good and relaxing time. It absolutely worth visiting. The range of facilities they offer is amazing. Nice and clean all the time, the staff work hard to keep it clean. I like the restaurant, relaxing room ,cabins and so on , the list keep goes. The crowd is absolutely great , you can find all types and ranges here. A big thank you to the management. Best wishes x

    Sat, Sep 29, 2018

    calme en journée...

    Visited on a Thursday in the middle of the afternoon. The facilities are exceptional, among the best in Europe clearly. The sauna is very big, too big maybe when there are few guests. Which was the case during the day, barely a dozen people. I guess the evenings and weekends are livelier.

    Sat, Dec 09, 2017

    Nice time

    Yesterday/Friday, I was at the Phoenix Gay Sauna! I absolutely enjoyed my stay there! Bar/Restaurant are excellent! Friendly staff! Some action! Recommended ....

    Thu, Jul 27, 2017

    Not cool

    The sauna makes u confused. It is not easy to get where to go. Most of people is over 45. So I didn't enjoy so much (I am 23).

    Mon, May 01, 2017

    Sauna ok

    Sauna ok (just a little bit confused, it's difficult to know understand where to go). On Sundays people from 25 to 60. Big bar and relaxing room makes this sauna different from the others. Not so much clean but you can stat without problems everywhere.

    Sat, Jan 07, 2017

    The gold standard for clean.

    The hard working team at Phoenix Sauna not only ensure a convivial atmosphere but maintain a stardard of cleanliness that is unrivalled elsewhere in Europe. I love the competitor -Badehaus Babyon and certainly during the summer it would be hard to beat with its outdoor swimming pool and cabanas. However the Phoenix is a worthy competitor. It takes it's saunas seriously with three rooms of different temperatures and a sauna Meister supervising the "cooking." Facilities are thoughtfully designed and built to a high standard. There is the obligatory large spa pool, heated, tiled plinths, steam room with bubbles (when I was there) and loads of fun nooks and crannies. The bar and restaurant are excellent too. Topped of by friendly, helpful and constantly cleaning staff. The place was full of hot men and some action. Highly recommended.

    Sat, Jun 04, 2016

    People snitch

    Two weeks ago I was at the Phoenix sauna in Koln. For the second time (first time was a few years ago) my glasses were taken away. So, if you wear glasses, be warned and don't leave them in the special boxes. For sure I won't go there again.

    Tue, Feb 16, 2016

    Best gay sauna in Cologne

    I absolutely enjoyed my stay here in this sauna. I loved the crowd, the staff, its close proximity to centre of Cologne, and all the facilities they have in the sauna. Phoenix is one of the few reasons I keep coming back to Cologne. I thoroughly enjoy every time I visit this place.
    Ekachai chieochalakom

    Mon, Mar 23, 2015

    Horny weekend

    A cool place to spend your horny weekend as they open 24 hours start from Friday. There were some people just spend their whole weekend eat, drink, have fun and sleep in there. A lot of young crowd the last time I was there.

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.