XXL Berlin

    XXL Berlin

    XXL Berlin

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    Bornholmer Straße 7, Berlin, Germany, 10439

    XXL Berlin

    Gay cruise club & cinema in Prenzlauer Berg district. XXL features video booths, a cruising area, private cabins, dark room, plus a DVD shop.

    Wednesday nights are cinema nights with 9€ admission. XXL also hosts monthly themed events including the popular 'Underwear and Naked Party' - check their website for schedule.

    Weekday: 12:00 - 02:00

    Weekend: 12:00 - 02:00

    Nearest station: S,U: Schönhauser Allee

    Cruise / Fetish
    Dark Room
    Relaxing Cabins
    Rate XXL Berlin
    Audience Rating

    Based on 94 votes

    2017 Audience Awards

    3 Star Winner

    2018 Audience Awards
    2018 Audience Awards

    3 Star Winner

    2019 Audience Awards
    2019 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner

    2020 Audience Awards
    2020 Audience Awards

    4 Star Winner


    Fri, Apr 29, 2022

    Das schlechteste Kino überhaupt

    Der Inhaber hat einen totalen Sockenschuß! Menschlich total daneben. Wie der mit Kunden oder potenziellen Kunden umspringt, unter aller Kanne. Na ja, alt und frustriert, dass ergibt den Inhaber.

    Mon, Nov 11, 2019


    If this is a private club, advertise as such... Traveled an hour, walked a fair distance and then refused entry. No explanation as to how to become a member... Simply rude

    Wed, Aug 22, 2018


    Used to go to XXL for 10 years and still like it but the new guy at the entrance this summer is really awful, not a smile, not a word, nothing! Always seems bored, not a good image for the place.

    Fri, Aug 10, 2018


    I was in this place last year around the same period. I remember 2 young guys smiling at the entrance. I don't exactly remember inside, it was probably empty. Today I have tried to come back and a man says to me: It's a private club, he has repeated that 5 times. I answer: anyway I don't want to go in and you are xenophobic it's very bad to be like that towards a stranger... I'm french. So hesitate to go to that place, even some gays are homophobic end xenophobic. A shame for Europe...Bernard.

    Fri, Apr 29, 2022

    It's easy. You was to old for the owner!

    You was to old for the owner, that was the problem. But the young guy's was nice! Don't met the old owner, he is very rude! He will tell you, you are to fat, to ugly or to old....

    Wed, Sep 13, 2017


    Lots of different guys there. Something for every taste.

    Comments / Reviews are the subjective opinion of Travel Gay users, not of Travel Gay.