For many years, the large shaded area near Callego café was effectively known as Bali's 'gay beach'. Unfortunately, it had been closed down to make way for a beachfront hotel development.

Bali · Gay Beaches
Bali's gay-popular beach is Batu Belig Beach, located north of the original Callego Beach.
Bali · Gay Beaches
Batu Belig Beach
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off Jalan Petitenget, Bali, Indonesia
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Located on the south of Bali, between Canggu and Berewa, close to Seminyak. Batu Belig Beach was home to a small gay-popular café that had most of its infrastructure stripped down by the local authorities.
Nowadays, the tables, chairs, sun loungers remain, and food & drinks are still served here. The gay-popular beach area is close to the W Bali hotel and about 20 metres from the Grand Balisani Suites resort.
The easiest way to get here is via Jalan Batu Belig.
Double Six Beach (Pantai 66)
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Kuta, Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia
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Located near the front of Hotel Kumala Pantai, the Double Six Beach area used to be a popular spot with gay sunbathers, particularly after the sun went down.
Today, the 'gay beach' section and the rainbow flag are all gone. The new occupants are straight. Here, at Double Six Beach, though, chairs and umbrellas are for rent and cold drinks available.
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